Monday, 6 June 2011

The Cinema

OK - firstly let me say that I hate the cinema. I'm agnostic about the industry because I guess that it largely caters to whatever it thinks will make money, but I loathe the places where films are shown....

Occasionally there is a film that I would really like to see. 'Senna' is one such movie -  All of the reviews seem to say that it is a great piece of film making. I find it quite reassuring that films like Senna can still be made today - clearly there are still some brave and intelligent people left. There is a big HOWEVER to this....  

However, to see the film in a suitable form I really need to go to a cinema so I checked the listings for the two big multiplexes near us assuming that they might have found a way to show it amongst the other shit. How wrong I was. There is one showing listed on Tuesday 21st June (yes, over two weeks away). However, if I wanted to see some brain-dead rehashed version of a previous film I would have been in luck. I could see Fast and Furious 5, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men ad nauseum, but I can't see anything with a small amount of intellectual merit.

I'm sure that these shit holes, sorry cinemas, are only reacting to what is popular because their aim is to make money for their shareholders, but why don't they try taking a risk. If they created a nice environment where people with a brain could watch something vaguely intelligent then I'm guessing they may actually engage a whole new section of the population who usually avoid cinemas like the plague. Sadly, because they only keep on doing what they do today they will never find out if there is a market. They will continue to attract people who are happy to watch cynically produced rehashed rubbish and people who want to see something with a bit of intelligence will stay away in droves.

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