Thursday, 30 June 2011

Bloody Stupid Facebook Status

I just saw this as someone's Facebook status - 
"I have a personal reason for asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. I'm pretty sure I know the names of those who will. Think of Someone you know who has or has had cancer, or someone you lost from Cancer. My wish is that in 2011 they will find a cure. Will you post this for one hour in honor of those who have fought or are fighting cancer"

My first reaction was WHY? Why do you feel the need to share this information with anyone and why do you imagine that I would want that as my status.

My second reaction was HOW ON EARTH DO YOU THINK THAT THIS WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ANYTHING? Assuming that it is intended to encourage and spur on all those who are looking to find cures, why on earth would this status message make any difference? I would imagine that they're working quite hard at it already and this is not going to make them work any harder.

So, my conclusion is that this status is simply a request for sympathy. And, since pretty much everyone has been touched by cancer in some way, it is unlikely to mark out the poster as special or deserving. Needy, yes - but special, no.

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